Okay, I know this is against the credo of storyboarders, but for those who require words to compliment their visuals I decided to give a brief wrap up of my snippet of a story I've made.
The Scene: A future where the computer still has yet to exist. Technology still revolves strongly around engineering & steam power. More specifically, the train station in Paris, France. Taxis carry incoming travelers to their destination using mechanical arms and a system of ropes and bars throughout the town, emulating that of a primate jumping from branch to branch of a tree. The sun is setting over the overpopulated metropolis as commuters flood the land, river and air.
A local INVENTOR with visible bandages and scrapes waits for his incoming train back to his home. A middle aged man with an estranged family, obsessive personality, and unbalanced work-play ratio. After realizing he has been reading his paper for a long time now, he looks up to check the time from the clock on the dock where he is waiting. 7:02. His train is late.
As he looks up, his eyes drift towards a beautiful BLONDE WOMAN dressed conspicuously inconspicuous. She is carrying a weathered BRIEFCASE.
suddenly triggers a horrible memory of two nights prior. While walking home from meeting a colleague for business and a drink, he finds himself caught up in a celebration that he is unsure of what it is for. As his instincts would generally tell him to avoid crowds he ducks into an alley that has served him as a shortcut quite reliably in the past.
This time however, he is met by a GOON with a sloped forehead, bowler's hat and a DESERT EAGLE. With a heavy chuckle and little remorse, the GOON shoots him in his right shoulder. The pain causes him to drop his BRIEFCASE and the GOON walks off with it, enveloped by the extravaganza taking place in the city's square.
As time passes, he hires an investigator to find his neanderthalic attacker. This leads him to the Jazz club downtown where he sees his BRIEFCASE, the GOON, and a beautiful BLONDE WOMAN enjoying dinner at a table across the way. The GOON nudges the BRIEFCASE to the BLONDE WOMAN with his foot and upon finishing dinner, takes it with her and out the door. On her way out she turns around to look back at her associate. Her face is burned into the INVENTOR's mind forever. What lies in that BRIEFCASE is capable of changing the world in ways no layman could imagine, and in the wrong hands, could very well destroy what civility we have left in our society.
PRESENT: The INVENTOR is already sprinting towards the BLONDE WOMAN, determined to get back what is rightfully his.